Friday, February 10, 2012

Bloggity Blog Blog

Man! It has been a while since I've blogged haha, but that doesn't mean I haven't had anything cool happening, more like busy doing cool things!! CHyea!

Let's kick it off with the most interesting thing that happened today. Three guys came in to my restaurant and ordered our 12 patty burger challenge...each. It was the most entertaining thing I'd seen in that restaurant haha, 36 patties total... our grill wasn't even big enough to cook them all at the same time. The challenge is to eat all 12 patties, and the fries, and we'll buy the burger. Worth it? I don't think so, but it was quite the show. Did they do it? No, cmon people its 12 patties AND fries! Good attempt though.

Oh yes. So since I graduated high school, I've been carrying around what I call a "dumb phone". Everyone has those cool little smart phones, so that would go hand in hand with the idea that if your phone isn't smart, its dumb. Great logic, I know. Anyways, I had been very avid and totally content on sticking to a normal phone that performs basic phone functions. This idea of using a phone that was smart just seemed trendy, expensive and excessive. Plus, 75% of the time you're walking down the street at any given time of day, you'll see at least half of the population with their nose glued to their phones. (I could get into this but I am consciously choosing to just leave it at that haha). My point, I just wasn't too uppidy about getting and paying for a smart phone. And guess what I got for Chirstmas that I was totally excited to receive? An iPhone! Yep, I'm totally converted and completely understand at least half of the population a little bit better now. Now, I can't see myself ever going back, plus... I have come to understand as to why people are always on their phones now and blame them less for being interested in such a cool device!

Overall, I feel like things are coming together nicely! Finally got my grades :) Happy with them. Filed my taxes, bought new tires, made a visit to the doctor, made an appointment to see a counselor to start applying to colleges...yep, I'm moving up in the world :)

Not to mention, I see my very loving and amazingly wonderful boyfriend every week-ish or so and I couldn't be happier. Kyle has surprised me with park-hopper tickets to Disneyland on Valentines day and I am super stoked to go. I absolutely love Disneyland :) It is going to be one great Valentines day!

Friday, January 6, 2012

And all the rest

It's been a little while but I didn't forget to post about my Christmas! Which was amazing :) Kyle and I spent a week in Spokane, Washington. It was my first Christmas away from my family, but we had celebrated an early Christmas together. I still missed them!  It was my first Christmas where there was snow! According to everyone in Washington, it wasn't really snowing, but I say if there's white stuff on the ground and you can throw it at people, thats snow to me! It was great getting to meet the rest of Kyle's family. Everyone was so warm and welcoming. And it was great spending Christmas with a bunch of kids in the house ha. Christmas is different when you're not a kid anymore, but it's still a lot of fun. We went on a mini boat cruise at night with the whole family to see all the Christmas lights near the lake. We played games almost every night, watched Christmas Vacation together when the kids were all asleep. Kyle surprised me with a bunch of awesome trinkets from Europe haha. He picked out things that I would pick out for myself! We spent one evening up at a ski lodge at Mt. Spokane. We didn't go skiing or snowboarding, although that would have been a blast, but we had a few beers and read haha, quite the romantic evening. Man, it was such an awesome week and I couldn't of been happier than to spend it with Kyle and his family. Kyle's parents, Ric and Cindy, were wonderful hosts :) Cindy really is superwoman, between feeding kids, watching kids, cooking, everything! Ad Ric does the dishes!! (didn't see that one coming haha) It was so kind of them to open up their home to all of us. Thank you so much!!

And now, Kyle and I are back in California ready to take on the next few months. I am here in SLO while he is in San Jose starting his job at Cisco. (I love you Kyle! Keep up the good work babe!)  We'll be seeing each other every other week or so, which is like nothing compared to three months! The plan now is to gear towards moving to San Jose. If you know anyone that needs a room mate up there, please let me know :)

And, I have officially decided that I'm not going to be looking for a job in a restaurant ever again..unless I manage or own it or something. I'm ready to graduate from servinghood.

Overall, life is going great! I'm not saying I don't have lame days ha. But I think it's because I care too much about everything and I let the wrong things get to me sometimes. If there's anything I'm working on this year, it's not letting unimportant things get to me and focusing on the things that really matter. This year, I want to get to where I want to be and stop settling for what gets me by. There's so much ahead of me this year and  I'm so excited for it all!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Update!

SO! It has been at least 2 weeks or so since I've blogged, and I am so excited to finally update everyone on everything from Kyle's wonderful return to Christmas. And it has been a freaking blast!

A note: It's funny to go from blogging constantly to not blogging at all for a period of time. I've really missed it, and in many ways keeps me on track with goals that I've already set for myself, goals that I am aspiring to accomplish and keep my family and loved ones involved in my life that I don't get to see as often as I'd like (for one reason or another). AND, recently I've had somewhat of realization that some part of me wishes that I already owned my own house so that I could openly invite friends and loved ones to my home for fun festivities and events. As the holidays have been passing and after spending time with lots of family, owning my own household has become something that I want more and more within the next few years, hopefully...haha..somehow! Hosting seems like a natural instinct to me and I feel it shall be a way that I will be able to share with other people my love for them and repay all the kindness that I have recieved through the years. (obviously the holiday experience has had this affect on me haha)

Anyways, where to start? Well, as many of you know, I had been eagerly anticipating the return of my boyfriend Kyle from his 3 month-ish trip to Europe. I was out having dinner and drinks with a friend in downtown SLO after my first round of finals (much deserved may I add haha), when I get a text message from Kyle around 9pm. I didn't see the text right away because I had turned my phone to silent during dinner because it kept going off and I didn't want to be rude. Well, I didn't actually see his text until about 10pm. The text said something like  "What would you say if I told you I wasn't in Europe right now...". I also had 4 or 5 missed calls from him, and I'm thinking "What is that supposed to mean?" Suddenly, I realized that Kyle had text me from his american number (since he's been in Europe, I would get messages or calls from him from an international phone number, so him contacting me through his american number only meant one thing :D). "NICOLE!!! I NEED TO LEAVE RIGHT NOW!!", we paid for our drinks and headed for the cars, before long I was sprinting to my car, and speeded at least 5 miles above the speed limit the entire way home. I pull up my driveway and burst through my doorway and there he was! :D It was a wonderful surprise because he was supposed to arrive two days later,....all I can say is that I have the best boyfriend ever!

So since then it's been great having him home. Right now I am in Spokane, Washington and we have been spending time with his family. I feel like this blog is getting too long, so, I'll update you on Xmas celebrations later. Man, it has been fun though! Also, we're still trying to figure out what we're gonna be doing for new years, so if you have any ideas send me a message!

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Oh My Word...

Christmas party + Tequila+ Jenny = never again.

Although it was a very fun night for everyone at the Waterfront Grill, I have to say that I will not be accepting drinking game challenges from my manager ever again. In sum, Jenny lost.

But! It was fun :)  It was awesome to get everyone together like that outside of work. I realize that I have really grown to like my job at the WF grill, mainly because I really like all of the employees. Especially after last night, it feels more like a family than a bunch of coworkers together. There was karaoke, beer pong, lots of food, family, tequila, goldschlager, wine, bailey's....ugh. It would have been complete if Kyle had been there, but its now only a week until he comes back (yay!). In fact, I'll be leaving to pick him up from the airport RIGHT after my last final. And then, freedom!! Yep, that is going to be a really really.. REALLY good day :)

Other than that, I have been studying for finals and I'm happy to say that I don't feel stressed about them. I'm beginning to notice that when it comes to testing for me, I get in my own way sometimes by stressing about tests. It is better for me to just look over the material and take more time taking the actual test. So, hopefully this strategy will continue to work for me for finals.

Speaking of, homework calls.

Monday, December 5, 2011

A Running Start

As Christmas gets closer and closer and as holiday festivities pop up, I realize how much I have accomplished in the past few weeks. While juggling the my average work/school day, I have to say that I'm pretty happy with my overall progress with school and with outside projects. I've somehow been able to finish xmas presents and study for finals :) It's a good feeling. 

It seems that this is the week for all of those Christmas parties, too. And go figure, they're all the week before finals. How appropriate :). The 6th is the Waterfront Grill Xmas Party, the 9th is Charlie's Xmas party, and the 10th is the Cliffsmas Xmas party. I think there may be another next week, but nonetheless, I love Christmas parties just as much as I love Christmas. It's almost like you get to celebrate xmas over and over again...almost ha. 

And after finals, I will finally have some time off, which I'm really looking forward to. 2 full weeks off! I've never taken that much time off, but as I'm getting older and incorporating more and more responsibilities, I'm finding that arranged "vacation time" is important. For instance, it helps keep you sane. I am very much looking forward to having more free time again. I feel like there's a lot I want to do and  a lot I have to look forward to in 2012 and I can't wait to get started :)

Today is a day set up for studying and possibly dinner this evening with good friends. I feel great because rent is finally paid and life is unfolding pretty well. I'm still trying to figure out the next steps to pursue my future goals, but I know that will be easier to figure out  once I get past one or two obstacles that are now presently at hand. One being that I would prefer to sell my car sooner than later. I own a 1999 Volkswagen Beetle that is in good condition. It's treated me well over the years, but I think it has come time for us to part our ways. So if you know anyone that would be interested, I'd love to have a chat with them. 

The upside to finishing the Wise Man's Fear is that I get to read other books that I've been wanting to read/finish reading. I find that once I finish one type of book, I'll switch it up to some other type of reading. Like going from non-fiction to fiction. I have this book on World Religions that I picked up again and it's so fascinating learning about other religions and comparing their similarities and differences. 

This is a week of beginnings and I'm very very excited to start.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


There's just no other word for it. Seriously, the next few weeks are going to be full of nothing but crazy.

First off, as I have mentioned before, my boyfriend, Kyle, has been adventuring in Europe for the past 2ish months and that alone has been a crazy experience! I've never been in a long distance relationship before and man, I can't help but feel for all those women who have boyfriends/husbands/fiancees/loved ones in the military right now. I tip my hat to them for making it happen. Alls I can say is that it is no stroll in the park, but it has totally been worth it and has made our relationship even stronger. WOO! Go team Kyle and Jenny (I think we deserve gold stars or something, ... a cruise to Hawaii would be nice ha) BUT! It is now no more than 2 weeks away that he'll finally be coming home! I am so happy I can't even begin to describe. By the time we see each other, it will have been one or two weeks shy of 3 full months of being away from each other. Yea. You bet your buns I'm stoked :) 

As most of us know, finals week (uuggghh) is coming up. In fact, Kyle will be arriving right after my last final haha. So in a way, I'm really looking forward to finals week ( I never thought I'd say that, but..I suppose there's a first for everything.) Not only that, but I am looking forward to being done at Cuesta College. I've been there for what seems like a lifetime and it will be nice to start a new chapter. And I have every ambition of acing my finals. So bring it on home-slice!

And who can forget, Christmas. I absolutely love Christmas. This year, it's a little different though. I'll be celebrating with Kyle's family in Spokane, WA. So that means, we'll be celebrating Christmas with my family here in SLO county before we leave.  I'm feeling like I'm hurrying to finish all of the gifts I'm giving and that there are possibly things I am forgetting about but will remember at the last minute. This year, there have been so many wonderful people that have come into my life, so there are even more people that I have been preparing gifts for. I think one of my favorite parts of Christmas is just being able to give to those you care about. It's a nice little opportunity to say, "Hey, thanks for being so awesome!" Who doesn't love that? Since the list is so long, it's been a challenge to keep up with the work that I have set out for myself, but it will be so rewarding when I can finally give you all my gifts :)  Again, "craziness"...seems most fitting.

OH! AND, I finally finished The Wise Man's Fear! I am both happy and sad, but there's a third book coming out sometime so it's not all that bad. But man! I wish I could give it all away but all I have to say is that Patrick Rothfuss is amazing. Between school and work, it's been somewhat of a challenge to find a quiet moment to just read as much as I want to. So this whole semester, all I've wanted to do is curl up with my book and read. I can't believe I already finished it ha, and I'm eagerly awaiting for the next piece of genius Rothfuss will unleash onto the world. 

Also, a word about school, I'm doing better than I thought I was and it has been a pleasant surprise to feel like it's all paying off. I mean, I wasn't worried I wasn't going to pass, but yes, I am one of those people that cannot deal with  a 'C' on my conscience. I'm paying for my education, so I plan on making the best of it.

I am happy to say that I'm  planning on hiking Bishops Peak Friday morning with my sister. FINALLY gonna do that sunrise hike and I'm stoked! AND, tomorrow we're doing a pot luck dinner here at my house which should be a lot of fun. The plan is to head out for bike night afterwards which I haven't been to since July. YAY!

To sum it up, craziness is painted all over my life at the moment, but I'm learning that it isn't always a bad thing ha. It keeps you on your toes and ready for whatever may come.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

La vie est belle

You know those days when you wake up in the morning, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, you have all your homework done, all your bills are paid, there's food in the fridge, your room is clean and you know you're day is going to be great just...because!.....and then something you totally couldn't imagine happening comes right around and slaps you in the face?...Yep, this is the day I had a few days ago.

While I was getting ready for school on Thursday morning, one of my roomates knocked on my door. "Do you know that you have a flat tire?"...."WHAT?" Sure enough, haha, he was right. What made it worse was that I had no idea how that had happened (looks really cool in front of your roomate to have no clue how your tire blew, ha..ya), but there was a pile of rubber around the tire, so it looked like it just blew while the car was sitting there. It was the most bazaar thing and it looked like I would be missing class because of it (like any other college kid, I'd jump at any excuse to miss class, but not when its coming to the end of the semester when you're pumping out a bunch of projects that are worth more points than anything else in the semester...those darn teachers, they're so smart).

I figured, no biggie, I have a spare and I'll just have to do it myself this time (my dad is out of town and my brother is in school) and I'd make it to my second class no problem. Luckily, my friend Elaina was home and her boyfriend was coming over. Haha, they were both great sports about helping me, especially because it became more of a problem than simply changing a flat. When we tried to put the tire on, the tire was hitting the top shock/spring. We tried switching around tires on the car to see if that would help, but nope that wasn't the problem. It took us a few hours, between jacking up the car on a hill and figuring out how to make it work. ...Basically, I had already missed two classes and I had a test in my last class that I couldn't miss (that I had wished I had studied more for) so I got a ride to school and took a test I believe I aced..yay!

After scoring a ride to SLO (which was lucky because I was gonna have to take the bus), I sat in Kreuitzberg for a few hours, enjoying a cup of tea, reading, drawing, writing and....laughing about my whole day! I couldn't believe the series of events over the last few weeks. Nowadays, my days are so...routine, which I'm really not used to. In fact, I CANT STAND my days being so predictable. I like leaving some room for life to happen, so-to-speak. So, something like a flat tire just made me laugh all day because it was unpredictable and it was....great! I mean, not great that I got a flat tire, but that is life! It happens whether you approve of it or not, so you might as well enjoy it.  My whole day was different than what I was planning it to be and, in a way, it made me feel somewhat relieved. After a while (this whole semester) of the same thing day in and out, you wonder if that is the purpose of living, and it's easier to lose track of what is most important.

Under the stress of trying to figure out what I was going to do about my car, I was able to find a clear moment of peace and inspiration sitting there in that cafe. And it is this: there is no need to worry about how life will pan out (careers, majors, success, wealth) because it is not totally within our control, it is a beautiful balance of what happens and how we react to what is happening. My old director used to say, "99% of acting is reacting" Sometimes its not about what you do, but about how you react to what is being done. So, I was happy that I was able to laugh about my situation....haha unbelievable.

To sum it up, I called a mechanic, who turned out to be incredibly nice, quick, affordable and Australian! He said that my car (some major part of it that I can't remember) had slid down into the axel and that the reason my tire was hitting the spring was because a few bolts weren't tight enough (after the last person who worked on this area of my car didn't tighten it enough) and over time it had probably been sliding down until eventually it was enough to cause my tire to blow. He said I was really lucky and he had never seen anything like that in his whole life of working on cars. So, something is looking out for me!

I'm not gonna say that the day wasn't stressful, and that I wasn't worried about what was going to happen to my car (because I was!), it was overwhelming and I hope it doesn't happen again anytime soon. But it's nice to get a wake up call every once in a while. Next time, I'll be more prepared to have a better reaction.

I'm gonna go buy paints today (that's right people, the artist is coming back again for all you who remember). Even though this semester has been bumpy, it has been full of lots of inspiration and I'm happy I feel like picking up my art box again. We need outlets for crazy days like that haha.

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain."