Wednesday, November 30, 2011


There's just no other word for it. Seriously, the next few weeks are going to be full of nothing but crazy.

First off, as I have mentioned before, my boyfriend, Kyle, has been adventuring in Europe for the past 2ish months and that alone has been a crazy experience! I've never been in a long distance relationship before and man, I can't help but feel for all those women who have boyfriends/husbands/fiancees/loved ones in the military right now. I tip my hat to them for making it happen. Alls I can say is that it is no stroll in the park, but it has totally been worth it and has made our relationship even stronger. WOO! Go team Kyle and Jenny (I think we deserve gold stars or something, ... a cruise to Hawaii would be nice ha) BUT! It is now no more than 2 weeks away that he'll finally be coming home! I am so happy I can't even begin to describe. By the time we see each other, it will have been one or two weeks shy of 3 full months of being away from each other. Yea. You bet your buns I'm stoked :) 

As most of us know, finals week (uuggghh) is coming up. In fact, Kyle will be arriving right after my last final haha. So in a way, I'm really looking forward to finals week ( I never thought I'd say that, but..I suppose there's a first for everything.) Not only that, but I am looking forward to being done at Cuesta College. I've been there for what seems like a lifetime and it will be nice to start a new chapter. And I have every ambition of acing my finals. So bring it on home-slice!

And who can forget, Christmas. I absolutely love Christmas. This year, it's a little different though. I'll be celebrating with Kyle's family in Spokane, WA. So that means, we'll be celebrating Christmas with my family here in SLO county before we leave.  I'm feeling like I'm hurrying to finish all of the gifts I'm giving and that there are possibly things I am forgetting about but will remember at the last minute. This year, there have been so many wonderful people that have come into my life, so there are even more people that I have been preparing gifts for. I think one of my favorite parts of Christmas is just being able to give to those you care about. It's a nice little opportunity to say, "Hey, thanks for being so awesome!" Who doesn't love that? Since the list is so long, it's been a challenge to keep up with the work that I have set out for myself, but it will be so rewarding when I can finally give you all my gifts :)  Again, "craziness"...seems most fitting.

OH! AND, I finally finished The Wise Man's Fear! I am both happy and sad, but there's a third book coming out sometime so it's not all that bad. But man! I wish I could give it all away but all I have to say is that Patrick Rothfuss is amazing. Between school and work, it's been somewhat of a challenge to find a quiet moment to just read as much as I want to. So this whole semester, all I've wanted to do is curl up with my book and read. I can't believe I already finished it ha, and I'm eagerly awaiting for the next piece of genius Rothfuss will unleash onto the world. 

Also, a word about school, I'm doing better than I thought I was and it has been a pleasant surprise to feel like it's all paying off. I mean, I wasn't worried I wasn't going to pass, but yes, I am one of those people that cannot deal with  a 'C' on my conscience. I'm paying for my education, so I plan on making the best of it.

I am happy to say that I'm  planning on hiking Bishops Peak Friday morning with my sister. FINALLY gonna do that sunrise hike and I'm stoked! AND, tomorrow we're doing a pot luck dinner here at my house which should be a lot of fun. The plan is to head out for bike night afterwards which I haven't been to since July. YAY!

To sum it up, craziness is painted all over my life at the moment, but I'm learning that it isn't always a bad thing ha. It keeps you on your toes and ready for whatever may come.

1 comment:

  1. Wow girl, I have a headache just thinking of all the things going on in your life. So excited to meet you. Spokane will be epic :).
